《Nuclear Science and Techniques》创刊于1989年,邮发代码:4-647,由中国科学院上海应用物理研究所;中国核学会主办。上海市核学会协办都的综合性学术期刊。
《Nuclear Science and Techniques》旨在通过介绍国内外最新核科技成果,反映当前中国核科学技术发展的动向和学术水平。主要方向为同步辐射技术及应用、低能加速器技术、射线技术及应用、核化学、放射化学、放射性药物和核医学、核电子学与仪器、核物理与交叉学科研究、核能科学与工程等。本刊被SCI-E、CA、SA、CSCD等数据库收录。
《Nuclear Science and Techniques》是中国核学会会刊,由国内外核研究领域的著名科学家组成编委会。它刊登理论、实验和应用核物理,放射化学和辐射化学,核测量方法和仪器,核能与石材料科学、生命科学、农业、地球和环境科学方面的应用,是中国在核研究领域中唯一的一份英文期刊。发表的论文为国际六大著名检索期刊中的五个所收录。
1.Title: Titles should be no more than three typeset lines (generally 135 characters including spaces) and should be comprehensible to a broad scientific audience.
2.Author affiliation: Include department, institution, and complete address, with the ZIP/postal code, for each author. Use superscripts to match authors with institutions.
3.Corresponding author: The name, complete address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent. E-mail addresses will appear in print and online.
4.Body of the paper, including abstract, keywords, introduction, experimental section, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references.
5.Abstract: Provide an abstract of no more than 200 words. Abstracts should provide a succinct, informative summation of the most important results and conclusions.
6.Key words: Keywords are listed below the abstract of the manuscript. At least three keywords are required at submission.
7.Introduction: The Introduction should provide a statement outlining the motivation for the research and should accurately place the investigations in context with previous or current work in the field.
8.Experimental Section: The Experimental Section should provide a clear, unambiguous description of materials, methods, and equipment in sufficient detail to permit repetition of the work elsewhere. Repetitive descriptions of a general procedure should be avoided.
9.Results and Discussion: These sections should present the results, and their interpretation, in context with existing knowledge in a clear and concise manner.
10.Conclusion: A conclusion section should be provided in instances where the key elements of the results and discussion may require amplification or clarification. This section should not simply restate the Abstract.
11.Acknowledgments: List acknowledgments.
12.References: References must be in NST style. Only published or in-press papers and books may be cited in the reference list. Unpublished abstracts of papers presented at meetings or references to ‘‘data not shown’’ are not permitted. Each literature reference should be assigned one number and placed in the text as a superscript numeral.
你好,请问Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志字数要求最高包括参考文献是多少字呢?是不加参考文献6000字以内呢?还是加上参考文献6000字以内呢?
尊敬的Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志编辑大大,请问我的文章初审通过了没有,已经投了快一个月了,好急啊
Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志 这个刊物免审稿费,版面费正常,效率高
Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志校稿认真负责,每次打电话都不厌其烦地回答我的不解之处。外审专家的审稿意见也很诚恳详细,对文章帮助很大!杂志质量还是挺不错的。
昨天联系了Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志,杂志社说我的文章还在初审当中,不知道要什么时候才出结果,好急,菩萨保佑过了,过了
Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志审稿较快,14天左右就发回退修,退修之后10天左右再次退修,我吸取上一篇投稿的教训(退修了两次仍未达到要求,退稿了),仔细按照编辑发来的要求修改,顺便提一下,编辑人很好,修改之后很快录用,9个月之后见刊。
请问Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志投稿时需要附单位介绍信吗?
9月中旬在投Nuclear Science and Techniques杂志的稿,10月就通知录用啦,速度杠杠的。需要说的是,这本杂志的编辑排版很严格,录用后会有多次排版校对,编排质量很高,编辑工作非常严谨认真,值得赞扬!