《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》是中国百种自然科学优秀期刊之一,在我国生物学界拥有良好的声誉和广泛的读者与作者队伍,所刊登的高水平论文被国内外多家检索系统收录。
《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》内容涵盖:遗传学、发育生物学、基因组与生物信息学以及分子进化等领域。服务对象:为基础医学、农林牧渔、生命科学各领域的科研、教学、开发人员,大学生、研究生、中学生物教师等。
《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed articles of novel and significant discoveries in the fields of genetics and genomics. Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to molecular genetics, developmental genetics, cytogenetics, epigenetics, medical genetics, population and evolutionary genetics, genomics and functional genomics as well as bioinformatics and computational biology.
1、Title The full manuscript title should be succinct, informative and descriptive. The title should include detail for indexing and should be comprehensible for a broad scientific audience. Authors should avoid using nonstandard abbreviations in titles. The title must mention the subject organism (or general group in the case of comparative work). Latin names should be used for all organisms, while common names are allowed for the model systems (rice, maize and yeast).
2、Author affiliation Include department, institution, and complete address for each author. If there are authors with different affiliations, use superscripts to match authors with different institutions.
3、Corresponding author The name, complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided.
4、Manuscript information The numbers of text pages (including references and figure legends), of figures, of tables, and of words in the paper should be provided.
5、Word and character counts The number of words in the abstract and the total number of characters in the paper should be provided.
6、Abbreviation footnote List abbreviations in alphabetical order used five or more times . Define these where first mentioned in the text and do not use them in the title.
尊敬的Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志编辑大大,请问我的文章初审通过了没有,已经投了快一个月了,好急啊
Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志编辑的态度非常认真、和蔼,来回修改了好几次,很快就录用了。国内的顶级杂志,影响力很大,看来我的选择还是没有错的。给你们竖个大拇指。
你好,请问Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志字数要求最高包括参考文献是多少字呢?是不加参考文献6000字以内呢?还是加上参考文献6000字以内呢?
文章接收速度还可以,我投稿的时间有些尴尬,恰逢是在放假的时候,耽误了一段时间。Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志在学术界还是有一定地位,还是不错的。编辑老师也很不错,比较推荐大家投此杂志。
Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志审稿较快,14天左右就发回退修,退修之后10天左右再次退修,我吸取上一篇投稿的教训(退修了两次仍未达到要求,退稿了),仔细按照编辑发来的要求修改,顺便提一下,编辑人很好,修改之后很快录用,9个月之后见刊。
各位学友,这个期刊是不是投稿就会通过初审? 看我很多投稿的朋友说,初审后被拒稿的也很多啊……